
A Unique Resource Locator.

Urls can be parsed (see parseUrl) and implicitly convert to strings.


this(string url)
Undocumented in source.

Alias This


Implicitly convert Urls to strings.



bool isValid()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
Url opBinary(string subsequentPath)

The append operator (~).

int opCmp(Url other)

Compare two Urls.

bool opEquals(Url other)

Equality checks. Ditto

Url opOpAssign(string subsequentPath)

The append-in-place operator (~=).

hash_t toHash()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
string toHumanReadableString()

Convert this Url to a string.

string toPathAndQueryString()

Convert the path and query string of this Url to a string.

string toString()

Convert this Url to a string. The string is properly formatted and usable for, eg, a web request.


ushort port [@property getter]

The port. * This is inferred from the scheme if it isn't present in the Url itself. If the scheme is not known and the port is not present, the port will be given as 0. For some schemes, port will not be sensible -- for instance, file or chrome-extension.

ushort port [@property setter]

* Set the port.


string fragment;

The fragment. In web documents, this typically refers to an anchor element. For instance, in the Url https://cnn.com/news/story/17774#header2, the fragment is "header2".

string host;

The hostname.

string pass;

The password in this Url. Usually absent.

string path;

The path.

ushort providedPort;

The port that was explicitly provided in the Url.

QueryParams queryParams;

The query parameters associated with this Url.

string scheme;

The Url scheme. For instance, ssh, ftp, or https.

string user;

The username in this Url. Usually absent. If present, there will also be a password.


1 {
2     // Basic.
3     Url url;
4     with (url) {
5         scheme = "https";
6         host = "example.org";
7         path = "/foo/bar";
8         queryParams.add("hello", "world");
9         queryParams.add("gibe", "clay");
10         fragment = "frag";
11     }
12     assert(
13             // Not sure what order it'll come out in.
14             url.toString == "https://example.org/foo/bar?hello=world&gibe=clay#frag" ||
15             url.toString == "https://example.org/foo/bar?gibe=clay&hello=world#frag",
16             url.toString);
17 }
18 {
19     // Passing an array of query values.
20     Url url;
21     with (url) {
22         scheme = "https";
23         host = "example.org";
24         path = "/foo/bar";
25         queryParams.add("hello", "world");
26         queryParams.add("hello", "aether");
27         fragment = "frag";
28     }
29     assert(
30             // Not sure what order it'll come out in.
31             url.toString == "https://example.org/foo/bar?hello=world&hello=aether#frag" ||
32             url.toString == "https://example.org/foo/bar?hello=aether&hello=world#frag",
33             url.toString);
34 }
35 {
36     // Percent encoded.
37     Url url;
38     with (url) {
39         scheme = "https";
40         host = "example.org";
41         path = "/f☃o";
42         queryParams.add("❄", "❀");
43         queryParams.add("[", "]");
44         fragment = "ş";
45     }
46     assert(
47             // Not sure what order it'll come out in.
48             url.toString == "https://example.org/f%E2%98%83o?%E2%9D%84=%E2%9D%80&%5B=%5D#%C5%9F" ||
49             url.toString == "https://example.org/f%E2%98%83o?%5B=%5D&%E2%9D%84=%E2%9D%80#%C5%9F",
50             url.toString);
51 }
52 {
53     // Port, user, pass.
54     Url url;
55     with (url) {
56         scheme = "https";
57         host = "example.org";
58         user = "dhasenan";
59         pass = "itsasecret";
60         port = 17;
61     }
62     assert(
63             url.toString == "https://dhasenan:itsasecret@example.org:17/",
64             url.toString);
65 }
66 {
67     // Query with no path.
68     Url url;
69     with (url) {
70         scheme = "https";
71         host = "example.org";
72         queryParams.add("hi", "bye");
73     }
74     assert(
75             url.toString == "https://example.org/?hi=bye",
76             url.toString);
77 }
// There's an existing path.
auto url = parseUrl("http://example.org/foo");
Url url2;
// No slash? Assume it needs a slash.
assert((url ~ "bar").toString == "http://example.org/foo/bar");
// With slash? Don't add another.
url2 = url ~ "/bar";
assert(url2.toString == "http://example.org/foo/bar", url2.toString);
url ~= "bar";
assert(url.toString == "http://example.org/foo/bar");

// Path already ends with a slash; don't add another.
url = parseUrl("http://example.org/foo/");
assert((url ~ "bar").toString == "http://example.org/foo/bar");
// Still don't add one even if you're appending with a slash.
assert((url ~ "/bar").toString == "http://example.org/foo/bar");
url ~= "/bar";
assert(url.toString == "http://example.org/foo/bar");

// No path.
url = parseUrl("http://example.org");
assert((url ~ "bar").toString == "http://example.org/bar");
assert((url ~ "/bar").toString == "http://example.org/bar");
url ~= "bar";
assert(url.toString == "http://example.org/bar");

// Path is just a slash.
url = parseUrl("http://example.org/");
assert((url ~ "bar").toString == "http://example.org/bar");
assert((url ~ "/bar").toString == "http://example.org/bar");
url ~= "bar";
assert(url.toString == "http://example.org/bar", url.toString);

// No path, just fragment.
url = "ircs://irc.freenode.com/#d".parseUrl;
assert(url.toString == "ircs://irc.freenode.com/#d", url.toString);

Parse the input string as a Url.

Throws: UrlException if the string was in an incorrect format.

1 {
2     // Infer scheme
3     auto u1 = parseUrl("example.org");
4     assert(u1.scheme == "http");
5     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
6     assert(u1.path == "");
7     assert(u1.port == 80);
8     assert(u1.providedPort == 0);
9     assert(u1.fragment == "");
10 }
11 {
12     // Simple host and scheme
13     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://example.org");
14     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
15     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
16     assert(u1.path == "");
17     assert(u1.port == 443);
18     assert(u1.providedPort == 0);
19 }
20 {
21     // With path
22     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://example.org/foo/bar");
23     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
24     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
25     assert(u1.path == "/foo/bar", "expected /foo/bar but got " ~ u1.path);
26     assert(u1.port == 443);
27     assert(u1.providedPort == 0);
28 }
29 {
30     // With explicit port
31     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://example.org:1021/foo/bar");
32     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
33     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
34     assert(u1.path == "/foo/bar", "expected /foo/bar but got " ~ u1.path);
35     assert(u1.port == 1021);
36     assert(u1.providedPort == 1021);
37 }
38 {
39     // With user
40     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://bob:secret@example.org/foo/bar");
41     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
42     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
43     assert(u1.path == "/foo/bar");
44     assert(u1.port == 443);
45     assert(u1.user == "bob");
46     assert(u1.pass == "secret");
47 }
48 {
49     // With user, Url-encoded
50     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://bob%21:secret%21%3F@example.org/foo/bar");
51     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
52     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
53     assert(u1.path == "/foo/bar");
54     assert(u1.port == 443);
55     assert(u1.user == "bob!");
56     assert(u1.pass == "secret!?");
57 }
58 {
59     // With user and port and path
60     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://bob:secret@example.org:2210/foo/bar");
61     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
62     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
63     assert(u1.path == "/foo/bar");
64     assert(u1.port == 2210);
65     assert(u1.user == "bob");
66     assert(u1.pass == "secret");
67     assert(u1.fragment == "");
68 }
69 {
70     // With query string
71     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://example.org/?login=true");
72     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
73     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
74     assert(u1.path == "/", "expected path: / actual path: " ~ u1.path);
75     assert(u1.queryParams["login"].front == "true");
76     assert(u1.fragment == "");
77 }
78 {
79     // With query string and fragment
80     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://example.org/?login=true#justkidding");
81     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
82     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
83     assert(u1.path == "/", "expected path: / actual path: " ~ u1.path);
84     assert(u1.queryParams["login"].front == "true");
85     assert(u1.fragment == "justkidding");
86 }
87 {
88     // With Url-encoded values
89     auto u1 = parseUrl("https://example.org/%E2%98%83?%E2%9D%84=%3D#%5E");
90     assert(u1.scheme == "https");
91     assert(u1.host == "example.org");
92     assert(u1.path == "/☃", "expected path: /☃ actual path: " ~ u1.path);
93     assert(u1.queryParams["❄"].front == "=");
94     assert(u1.fragment == "^");
95 }
